Old maps and a forest of dreams

I am delighted to have received confirmation that my proposal for the Koli Environmental Arts festival has been accepted. I will of course continue with my 'Lost Map' series of drawing but what is specific to the festival is working with the school to create a new map of Koli, involving old maps and young dreams; a forest of dreams. "Unien metsä". I will also be encouraging the community of Koli residents and Koli visitors to contribute to a (2nd) map: A map of thoughts, notes, quotes and walkers words. Meanwhile I am researching online and on foot. I will resist the temptation to use metaphors relating hills and forests to describe the difficulties and brief moments of joy on this journey. I will instead happily thank those who have helped along the way. A big thank you to Tiina Hakkarainen and Tarja Teppo (Metsähallitus) Jukka Hokkanen (Joensuun maakunta-arkisto), the festival team, Leena Jarva and the online maanmittauslaitos. 
I'm sure there will be many more to thank as the project progresses. I continue looking for old maps and their high resolution digital versions.